Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Saturday, May 15, 2021
Malini, Rohini Nakshatram

Krishna lives at Edachira,a small Suburban Village proximate to Ernakulam. He stays with his mother and sister. They have a Cow at home and it is one of the income generating sources of their family. His sister has a data entry job in a BPO at Infopark, Kochi. Krishna also goes to Edachira Mahaganapathi temple to help the priest in the temple affairs. Krishna is a soft spoken person and loved by everyone around the place. People around his house buy milk from him. Kelu Namboodhiri is the priest of this temple and Dassappa assists with the accounts of the temple. The local temple has worshippers from around the village as well as nearby areas.
Krishna was well known across the village. He had a habit of doing rituals for all family members of his house. All family members were known to the temple. One day Kelu noticed that Krishna requested a Vazhipadu (prayers) to be offered for a female name , Malini with Rohini Star. He thought it might be some relative of Kannan. This began happening over and over each Thursday morning. Sometimes he would do supplications only for Malini. This was because his mother and sister would also be present at the temple and they would do offerings themselves. Dasappa and Kelu was wondering who is Malini with Rohini nakshatra (star). They don't know any girl in that area by that name. May be his ex school or college mate and they may be in relationship, thought Kelu. He one day asked Dasappa and he replied that he too didn't know. It was not fair to ask Krishna or to any one in his family, thought Kelu. Krishna barely utilizes his telephone and was constantly restricted to his home, temple and nearby surroundings. No one had any clues who was Malini, even his best friend Ratheesh was not aware when asked.
Next day Krishna called Kelu and said he will not be coming that day to the temple. Rituals for Malini was going on every day by now. Krishna looked tensed and worried. Krishna came the next day and was very happy. He straight away went to the counter and asked for the Vazhipadu receipt for Malini, Rohini Nakshatram and Nandini Uthram Nakshatram. Who is this new character Nandini and why is Krishna so excited. Kelu casually asked Krishna why are you so happy today. He said Malini has given birth. Oh, Sighed Kelu. But who is Malini? Its my dear Cow, said Krishna. Kelu and Dasappa chuckled and understood how much he loved his Cow Malini. The Vazhipadu for Malini, Rohini Nakshatram and Nandini, Uthram Nakshatram continues.
*WEBSITES* for *Covid* Resources
*WEBSITES* for *Covid* Resources
*(Oxygen, Beds, Remdesivir Injections, Plasma)* -
1) covidfightclub.org
2) coronaresources.in
3) covid19-twitter.in
4) external.sprinklr.com
5) factchecker.in
6) covidresource.glideapp.io
7) thejasonsamuel.com/fightcovid
8) covid-resources-chi.versel.app
9) plasmadonor.in
10) covidfacts.in
11) needplasma.in
12) plasmaline.in
13) covidhelpgroup.org
14) covidhelpers.co.in
15) indiaplasmadonor.com
16) dhoondh.com
17) stopcorona.tn.gov.in/beds.php
18) covidresourcesindia.com
19) covidhelpsite.carred.co
20) hydcovidresources.com
21) yogesharma.com/covid-dhule/
22) covidamd.com
23) covidtools.in
24) covid19helpindia.in
25) app.covid19relief.in
The sheets and sites are all getting updated everyday. Please pass it on to someone who requires it.
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
Your thoughts lead your life- Law of attraction
The ether with which space is filled conveys these Thought-Waves every which way, and the outside of the earth, especially in the thickly involved parts, is loaded up with these waves.
These waves, conveying the psychological vibrations, interacting with one another, will in general set up blends on one hand, or, more than likely kill each other then again. In other words, if two arrangements of rushes of a comparable sort meet there is probably going to be a blend framed between them similarly as between two synthetics having a partiality for one another. In this manner the "psychological air" of spots, towns, houses, and so forth, is shaped.
Then again if flows of contradicting vibrations interacted with one another, there will be showed a contention between the two, where each will lose in relation to its shortcoming, and the outcome will be either a balance of both or, in all likelihood a mix having vibrations of a normal rate.
For example, if two flows of mental energy meet, one being a considered Love and the other Hate, they will kill one another in the event that they are equivalent, or on the off chance that one is more grounded than the other, it will continue however looted of a lot of its solidarity. On the off chance that it were not for this killing impact we would be generally helpless before stray flows of thought. Nature secures us along these lines, and furthermore by delivering us resistant to a significant degree.
Yet, by the by we are influenced by these waves to a significant degree, except if we have figured out how to lose them by information on the laws and a requirement of them by training. We as a whole expertise extraordinary rushes of feeling spread over the town, city or nation, clearing individuals off their equilibrium.
Extraordinary influxes of political eagerness, or War spirits, or bias possibly in support of specific individuals, or gatherings of individuals, clear over spots and cause men to act in a way that they will a short time later lament when they begin to act normally again and think about their demonstrations without a second thought.
Revolutionaries will influence them or attractive pioneers who wish to acquire their votes or support; and they will be driven into demonstrations of horde brutality, or comparable outrages, by respecting these influxes of "infectious" thought. Then again we as a whole skill extraordinary rushes of strict inclination clear over a local area upon the event of some incredible "restoration" energy or intensity.
The impact of these Thought-Waves, most definitely, obviously depends really upon the strength of the idea or feeling being showed in the brain sending them forward.
Most of people put yet little power into the psychological appearances, yet to a great extent is to be discovered a scholar whose Thought-Waves are for all intents and purposes "a flood of living will" and which obviously have an exceptionally solid inductive impact upon the personalities of others with whom the waves come in contact.
In any case, it in like manner follows that various people thinking similarly will deliver an incredible volume of force by a blend of their idea ebbs and flows into extraordinary floods of mental power.
Of course there is another component of the case that we should not dismiss, and that is the Attraction between minds, by temperance of which one attracts to himself the Thought-Waves of others whose contemplations are as per his own.
The opposite is valid, for there is Repulsion between the personalities of people and the Thought-Waves of others whose considerations are not as per his own. The opposite is valid, for there is Repulsions between the personalities of people and the Thought-Waves of others adversarial to their considerations.
To cite an all around worn and much-utilized articulation to delineate this fact, "As pulls in Like," and "People with similarities tend to group together." There is ever in activity this glorious law of Attraction and Repulsion of Mental Energy-Persons permitting their contemplations to run along specific lines, and allowing the sentiments to be communicated positively, attract to themselves the Thought-Waves and mental impacts of others keyed to a similar mental featured discussion.
Also, moreover they repulse the waves and impacts of a contradicting nature. This is a significant certainty to recollect in one's regular day to day existence. Great draws in Good and repulses Evil. Evil pulls in Evil and repulses Good. The prevalent Mental Attitude serves to draw in comparable impacts and to repulse the contradicting ones. Consequently observe cautiously the character and nature of your considerations – develop the attractive ones and quell the bothersome ones. Verily "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."
Saturday, May 8, 2021
Tara,The Independent Panda
Tara the Panda spent
quite a bit of her youth figuring out how to deal with herself.
At that point, when she least anticipated it, she found the significance of her initial exercises. Could she truly endure alone?
One day, as the family was seeking bamboo plants for their supper, Tara drifted miles away, lost in the serenity of the experience. Before she knew it, there was no one familiar in sight. “Oh no,” she remarked in an alarmed voice. “Where on earth is my family?”
Tara started to feel a little anxious about not knowing where her family was, but she stayed calm.
“I know how to handle being on my own,” she said to herself. “There’s
absolutely nothing to worry about.”
And with that, Tara continued roaming and feeding. After a
couple of hours, she looked up and saw a familiar face - her brother’s. How
happy she was to see him.
“Ravi!” she yelled. “I’m over here.” Her brother turned around and playfully ran
to her.
“Thank goodness you’re safe,Tara,” he said as he hugged her. “I was
worried, but mom and dad weren’t because they said you knew how to stand on
your own two feet and take care of yourself.”
Tara smiled and said to herself, “I guess they were
right.”Although Tara enjoyed spending time with the other animals in the
forest, she also enjoyed her time alone. Roaming around made her feel free. She
liked thinking that she could take care of herself.
One day, as the family was seeking bamboo plants for their supper, Tara drifted
miles away, lost in the serenity of the experience. Before she knew it, there was no
one familiar in sight. “Oh no,” she remarked in an alarmed voice. “Where on
earth is my family?”
Tara started to feel a little anxious about not knowing where her family was, but
she stayed calm.
“I know how to handle being on my own,” she said to herself. “There’s absolutely
nothing to worry about.”
Tara smiled and said to herself, “I guess they were right.”Although Tara enjoyed
spending time with the other animals in the forest, she also enjoyed her time alone.
Roaming around made her feel free. She liked thinking that she could take care of
The Independent Panda
Tara was from a family of pandas known to be independent and solitary creatures. She spent her years as a
growing bear learning how to be independent. It was the only way she knew how to live and thought that’s how
everybody did it.
It wasn’t until Tara was truly alone that she realized the value of being independent. Instead of panicking and
making silly decisions,
she stood on her own two feet.
When you grow up with parents and guardians, you live with a
sense of protection. Learning how to take care of yourself comes much later,
but it’s an important part of maturity.
Like Tara, your ability to stand on your own two feet is tested when you least expect it. How you respond to being
on your own in a
tough time is a test of your life lessons.
Believing in yourself is a crucial part of making important decisions in solitude. Although it’s easy to lean on
others, there comes a time when standing
upright is required.
When you know your strength, it’s easy to use it as your
Being a part of a community opens you up to the support of others. It has its place in your life, but it’s important
to avoid using it as
a crutch.
There always comes a time when the people you lean on are out of your line of sight. You have a choice in those
situations. Either crumble
from the weight of going it alone or rise to the occasion and support yourself.
Find a balance between independence and relying on your loved ones for support. That way, you’ll always have
the right ammunition to handle
any difficulty you face.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- Which decisions are too intimidating for me to make on my own?
- What are some of the most important life lessons that I gained from my parents?
What kind of example do I want to set for my kids?
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